Beekeeping in New Zealand
Beekeeping in New Zealand
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Beekeeping in New Zealand
Edited and Designed by B. P. Marris of the Ministry’ Information Service
First published in 1948, revise and reprinted 1961 and 1975 /1980,
Published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, New Zealand it is Bulletin No.267.
155 pages, used condition,, writing (771729) in cover, name on cover back, last couple pages top with small water stain/creases in cover, name on end page
A valuable piece of New Zealand history in the beekeeping industry.
Contents include –
Pollen and Nectar
Bee Veils
Handling Bees
Hive Equipment
Domestic Apiaries
Comb Foundation
Examination Hives in Early-spring
Feeding and Feeders
Hive Management
Queen Excluders
Spreading Brood
Grading and Rearing of Queens
Introducing Queens Safely
Making an Increase
Honey Houses
Producing Section-honey
Moving Bees
Wintering Bees
Bee Diseases and pests
Apiaries Act
Beekeeping Literature
Textual References