Waders in New Zealand by Elaine Power


Waders in New Zealand by Elaine Power

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SKU: 20190621xID1022 Category:


Waders in New Zealand by Elaine Power

The artist has combined zoological and botanical accuracy in her paintings which makes each a work of art.

Frontispiece- A Pied Stilt and Two Knots
South Island Oystercatcher
Black Oystercatcher
Spur-winged Plover
Black Stilt
Pied Stilt
Red-breasted Dotterel
Marsh Sandpiper
Banded Dotterel
Large Sand Dotterel
Black-Fronted Dotterel
Long-billed (Eastern) Curlew
Asiatic Whimbrel
Eastern Bar-tailed Godwit
Eastern Knot
Pacific Golden Plover
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Red-necked Stint
Curlew Sandpiper
Key To Paintings.

Hard cover, first edition 1971, good condition, gift dedication on end page//small tear in jacket